I thought that there had to be more to this issue than simply Apple’s issue of not cracking down hard enough of malware. They can’t rationalize why someone would want to infect their computer, and their thought process is understanding. For the older generation, they are typically more trustworthy. I think the reason for this depends on the group. You see a large amount of the malicious soft ware installed on users that are under 25 years of age and over 55. Apple tried very hard to make that phrase popular, but the truth is that Mac malware has been skyrocketing. The first and foremost is that they have been known to spread the rumor that “Macs don’t get viruses.” Again, this is an all-out falsehood. I have typically placed 99% of the blame directly on Apple for multiple reasons. One common theme I would see frequently is a pop-up after pirating media, whether it be ripping YouTube videos, or on well known torrenting sites. Now typically these pop-ups occur on websites that aren’t secure. It is a piece of malware that is wrapped to look like a downloader for an Adobe Flash Player update. Now when I say “the real thing,' I don’t necessarily mean that it looks just like Adobe’s installation webpage, but they do make it look legitimate. Attackers have made their fake Adobe Flash Player downloaders look more and more like the real thing.