If you or your organization prefers the AP or Chicago style of ellipsis, it’s perhaps easiest to change the AutoCorrect accordingly. The default ellipsis setting, converting ‘three dots’, is at File | Options | Proofing | Autocorrect (web codes aren’t used in Microsoft Office, we’ve included them for the sake of completeness.) AutoCorrect and Ellipsis That shortcut or AutoCorrect insert the ellipsis symbol from Unicode, officially called Horizontal Ellipsis. Word also has a special shortcut for ellipsis Ctrl + Alt +. That’s how most people type ellipsis, whether they realize it or not. The single character ellipsis is what Word and Outlook gives you when typing three dots / fullstops in a row.
Three periods in a row – the Associated Press or AP format.A single symbol that looks like three dots close together. There are different ellipsis styles but only one directly supported in Word and Outlook. Both in Office for Windows and Office for Mac.Įllipsis … symbol is used for a gap or break in some text, usually to drop out some irrelevant text or speech. How to insert the different Ellipsis … marks into Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook.